Thursday, August 25, 2011

Bazaar Bazaar Bazaar

Meet Mrs. Cuppies

Good news people..!!

My decorated cookies will be at a few bazaars.
But I won't be there. Or maybe I'll come just for a short while.

So anyway, tomorrow, 25th August, my cookies will be at Sunway College !!

An on the 27th August, saturday, they will be at Subang Parade (I Love Bazaar).

Find them at ButTons Je's booth. (They are my ex-schoolmates..aww.)
And make sure you check out they super duper cute creations too.
(phone pouch, bracelets, keychains, straps, etc)

Hope you can come  !!


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Full Of Anger

What's that flying in the sky ?

                         Is it superman ?......No.
                   Is it batman ?........No.
                          Is it spiderman ?......No.

         It's a bird......and other birds...................

                               Angry Birds...!!!

Come to save the world.......................or just their eggs.

I have no special powers. But I still can kill you.

I may be small. But wait till I split into three.

My speed can kill you.

Don't mess with a pregnant lady.

Don't make me mad. I'll explode !

I'll come back just to hunt you !

Warning : They are super angry. Don't dare to take their eggs even though 
                 it's really tasty to make scramble egg, omelette and even egg mayo sandwich. 
                 Beware of cute creatures with feathers and beak.

One big happy angry family.


I'm so addicted to angry birds. 
And I totally hate it when I lose, the 'oink-oink' will laugh.
I didn't do the 'oink-oink' cookies cause afraid they won't be halal.



Saturday, August 6, 2011

Want To Know The Price ?

Since my flickr is kind of like a catalogue, with pictures that people can easily search and ideas for orders. So I've decided to put the price on each item I made there. I put the prices for cupcakes, cakes, cookies at each photo.

So now it's easier to know the price of the cakes or cupcakes you want to order. And also it shows that the prices are different according to shapes, designs, and sizes. That's why I need full information when you want to enquire about the goodies you want to order.

Feel free to browse my flickr for designs and prices. Thank you. ;)


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Once A Year

Does being 22 consider as old ?
Don't think so. Too many things I haven't explore yet.

Things I've learnt so far in my life :

1. Life doesn't go according to plan is interesting. 
It really does. Trust me. If things doesn't go your way, just make lemonade.

2. Family is a friendship that can never end.
They will always be there for you no matter what.

3. You can be whatever you want as long as you're sincere.
People will always judge you. Just ignore and be you.

4. The power of drinking lots of plain water.
I never really care about this until I tried myself. ;P

5. Quit once, doesn't mean you're a quitter forever.
You quit on one thing, doesn't mean you'll quit on the next thing you try.

6. A good jealousy will make you better.
No point of being jealous of other people's goodness/wealth 
if you don't make an effort to be better than them.

7. Appreciate gifts from other people is everything.
Even if it's a small/cheap thing, just appreciate. 
It means the world to your loved ones. And also to you.

8. Never regret the things you've done.
The best is to regret the things you didn't do.

9. You can never predict a hypocrite.
Seriously you can't. Even if they are someone close to you

10. People always see the bad side of you instead of the good side.
Just think of the good things you've done in your life.

Conversation with Mama :
Me, "It's my birthday!!! yeaayyy."
Mama, "So what have you achieved for the past 22 years ?"
Me, "A lot."
Mama, "But what haven't you achieve ?"
Me, "A lot."
Mama, "So you have to see things both ways."

So what did I get, no birthday wish from Mama. Hehe joking. It's true what she said. There's more to life. More things I need to see, learn and explore. To make more mistakes and fix them. And of course I need to achieve lots of things before I turn old. ;P

My first birthday during Ramadhan. Can't have our birthday-with-family-dinner-at-an-expensive-thai-food-restaurant like usual. But I'm just grateful to still get a chance and eat homemade cooking with my family.

I love you, Abah. Thank you so much for that extra wonderful gift. Even though Mama said it's not really mine, but I would still consider it's mine. Evil me. I love you too, Mama.